
Spiritual Light

Beryllonite is a form of sodium beryllium phosphate, mainly colourless or white but can also be pale yellow. It is fairly rare.

The frequency of Beryllonite connects to the heart, third eye and crown chakras. It activates the third eye chakra increasing one’s clairvoyance and aiding with visionary experiences.

Beryllonite activates and energizes the crown chakra allowing one’s consciousness to expand to the higher dimensions so that one is able to "see" the Divine in all things. It helps one overcome dark, negative emotional energies of hate and fear by dispelling the "illusion" of darkness and to see all is "Light".

The high vibrational energy of Beryllonite acts to raise one’s own vibrations thus helping with one’s physical "well being".

Associated Chakras
  • Heart
  • Third Eye
  • Crown
Physical Ailment
  • Physical Wellbeing
Emotional Issue
  • Fear
  • Hate
Spiritual Connection
  • Clairvoyance
  • Expansion of Consciousness
  • Spiritual Awareness
  • Visionary Experiences