Amphibole Quartz

Angel and Soul Connection

Amphibole Quartz or Angel Phantom Quartz is a rare variety of Quartz with inclusions of various minerals that include Actinolite, Hornblende, Riebeckite, Richterite and Tremolite, either on their own or in combination. The colours of the inclusions range from white, yellow, orange, and red/brown. Amphibole Quartz /Angel Phantom Quartz is found in Brazil.

The frequency of Amphibole Quartz / Angel Phantom Quartz connects to the third eye and crown chakras. Its energy activates these chakras allowing one to open and expand one’s consciousness to the higher dimensions of the angelic realm so that one can receive guidance and information from one’s guardian angel and other angelic beings.

Amphibole Quartz / Angel Phantom Quartz  brings a calm loving energy to one’s being helping to purify one’s energy fields and to raise one’s consciousness and energetic vibrations. It helps one to connect and feel the love of one’s soul and to bring this loving energy into one’s everyday life so that one lives in joy and peace with oneself and others.

Amphibole Quartz / Angel Phantom Quartz can be used while meditating to aid one in becoming calm and centred so that one may receive insights from one’s higher-self, soul, and to help reveal deeply held emotional patterns and beliefs that need to be released for one to move forward.

It can also help with issues such as worry or stress that can be the cause of sleep problems and insomnia.

Associated Chakras
  • Third Eye
  • Crown
Physical Ailment
  • Nerve Fibres - raw nerves
Emotional Issue
  • Fear
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Worry
Spiritual Connection
  • Communication - Angelic
  • Connection to Angelic Realm
  • Soul Connection
From: £1.35