Lithium Quartz

Inner Peace and Harmony

Lithium Quartz is a rare form of Quartz, silicon dioxide,  with inclusions of the lavender /pink coloured mineral Lithium. It is from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The frequency of Lithium Quartz connects to all the chakras, especially the heart and third eye chakras. It opens the heart chakra helping one to overcome the emotions of stress, anxiety and depression.

Lithium Quartz helps to bring a balance to one’s heart centre so that one can relax and view situations in a loving manner.

The energy of Lithium Quartz helps one to detach oneself from the outcome of situations by helping one to be open and accepting on all levels.

Lithium Quartz brings inner peace and harmony to one’s being.

Associated Chakras
  • Heart
  • Third Eye
Emotional Issue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
Spiritual Connection
  • Detachment
  • Inner Peace
Price: £4.20
Price: £19.00