
Soul Connection and Support

Phosphosiderite is an iron phosphate mineral and ranges in colour from a deep rose/red through to magenta, purple violet and yellow, brown and green.

The frequency of Phosphosiderite connects to the higher heart and third eye chakras, opening, cleansing and purifying these chakras.

Phosphosiderite helps one to connect with one’s soul’s impulses, nurturing one and helping to release negative emotions held in one’s cellular memory.

Via the third eye chakra Phosphosiderite opens one’s consciousness to the higher dimensions so that one is able to receive the energy of divine love, and to know that one always have the support of the Universe.

Phosphosiderite has a calming, nurturing energy that helps one to remain focused on one’s spiritual path in this lifetime.

Associated Chakras
  • Heart
  • Third Eye
Spiritual Connection
  • Divine Love
  • Nurturing of Self
  • Soul Connection
Phosphosiderite Tumbled
Price: £6.95